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 (Z)ippy Directory Listing Scan

 Subcommands:  (text) (#) (A) (D) (N) (U) (NS)

               (text) is the text you wish to search for
               (#)    is any valid directory number
               (A)    scans all directory listings for the text input
               (D)    download all files found
               (N)    combine the search with a date scan
               (S)    with (N) indicates new files since last date scanned
               (U)    scans only the upload directory(s) for the text
               (NS)   displays screen output in non-stop mode

 Description:  Allows you to search the download directories for words or
               phrases either in the filename itself or in the description of
               the files.  See examples below.

               (D) will cause all files found to be flagged for later
                   download the next time you issue a (D)ownload command.

               (N) combines a new files search with the text search.


   * Z A PCBoard <enter>

     The above command will search all of the file directories for the word
     "PCBoard" (anywhere - the filename, the description or even the extended
     description lines).

   * Z A <enter>
     PCBoard & DESQview <enter>

     The above commands will search all of the file directories for any file
     that has both the word "PCBoard" and the word "DESQview" in the

   * Z PCBoard A N <enter>
     120189 <enter>

     The above command combines a text search for the word PCBoard with a
     date search of 12/01/89 or later in search all of the download

   * Z DESQview A S D <enter>

     The above command combines the Zippy Search of the file directories
     with a "new files since" search and then flags all files found for
     later downloading.

See Also: (L)ocate (N)ew
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson